Are you tired of tedious tasks slowing down your on-site service business? Look no further! At Atom, we're dedicated to streamlining your workflow, so you can focus on what matters most - providing top-notch services to your clients.

Our user-friendly platform effortlessly automates common tasks, boosts efficiency, and integrates seamlessly with popular applications like Quickbooks online.

What is atom?

Atom, is an automation suite of applications that can be customized to improve workflow speed and efficiency for common business tasks, jobs or projects. 

Any business that requires on site service staff such as plumbers, maintenance technicians, installers, construction workers and more could benefit from ATOM’s automation.

ATOM can help do the following:

  • Provide a simple step by step interface that is clean and easy to use.

  • Provide rich data with each work order such as notes, scanned documents, images and the geo points of the locations where the samples were taken.

  • Integrate with Quickbooks online to pull orders into system.

  • Generate rich reports based on the data provided.

  • Previously this process could have taken anywhere from 1 to 4 hours depending on the complexity of the project. Using ATOM data compilation and report generation are done in seconds.

Integrates with your existing accounting software.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Save time & valuable resources

Efficiency is key in today's fast-paced world, and the ability to save time and valuable resources has become increasingly crucial. Our innovative app streamlines the entire process, from data compilation to report generation, ensuring that you can focus on the core aspects of your project.

Why use atom?

Imagine reallocating the hours previously spent on manual tasks to more productive endeavors, such as business development or customer engagement.

By providing a user-friendly interface, comprehensive work order data, seamless Quickbooks integration, and automated report generation, our app empowers you to optimize your workflow and achieve more in less time.

Contact Us

Interested in adding automation to your small business? Send us your contact information and we will be in touch shortly.

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